Take a good look at the pictures above. Notice the difference? Congratulations if you are sharp enough to notice it. If you fail to note the difference, you'd need a pair of glasses (like me). Ever since my wife was infected with the whitisme, her endeavor to whiten her rig had never ceased. The latest whitening craze went to the wheelset. The old Alexrim DP17 thrown away, and the gleaming white Tank D68 wheelset took its place. Wonder what will be next. Just don't ask me for white tires. Where am I gonna find one?
Tank white wheelset with Novatec hub, white spoke and red nipple.
Ooo... patut laa cik putih nampak lebih putih masa bash. Bukan lagi berat ke rim Tank compared dengan Alexrim?
Tank = keta kebal. Maunya tak berat! Ntah la pulak. Bila estetik mengatasi praktik, hantam sajalah...
putih sangat! tak cukup serat! wholemeal+multigrain lebih berkhasiat!
Walao! Pantun nutrisi...
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