Friday, October 31, 2008

From Plentong to LTM

A chance to be in KL over a stretch of few days spanning over a weekend was taken to good mountainbiking use by Akmal. After a near miss downtown adventure, I took him for another treat to my homeground - the palm estate of Ladang Tuan Mee, home of the BTP Bicycle Brigade. This could be my bloodiest ride so far. Why? Read on...

I purposedly did not announce my intention to BBB to ride there on Saturday, Oct 25th, 2008. It was supposed to be a small group ride in honor of my special guest. Only Akmal, me, my wife and Iyyah, my 12 year old daughter.

We set to meet in Selayang at 0800hrs. Akmal would be coming from Crown Princess. I was a bit late since confronted with a challenge of squeezing 4 bikes into my trusty Unser. Not a small labor!

Bikes for lelong?
When we arrived at Medan Puteri, the regular RV place for BBB, no biker was in sight. Hashim BB was there minding his stall, instead of prepping his gear for a ride. His riding has been lessened ever since his wife started her stall business there. We unpacked and started fixing our gears. Hashim BB won't be riding but he called his son Daniel asking him whether he'd like to ride with us. That 10 year kiddo jumped with joy. Soon he was there with his bike ready to roll.

Before the trail head
About 0930hrs we rolled. Trailhead was Block 6. Daniel in the lead. We would do the usual Teres 3 > Playgound > Teres 2 > home routine. The trail opened with a climb. Open naked barren rutted red earth climb. My Bolty felt funny but I couldn't figure out exactly what...

To Teres Tiga
Though LTM is my regular, I still couldn't remember the trail fully. Lucky Daniel was there to show the way. From trail head to Teres 3, my memory could still recall the path clearly. But when we were almost there, Daniel diverted left to a tributary road I'd never been before. I yelled at him "Mana nak pegi nih?". "Trail baruuuuu....", he replied without even bothering to turn back. Aha! new crafty work by Pechiko? Let's see how it goes...

Approaching the new section
The tributary swerved left, ascending. Then began series of twisted downward singletrack underneath the palm tress. Small terraces decking the rows of palm trees added the trail flavor. Coupla drops and gap jumps up to 2 feet high ready to secrete your adrenaline. If you are not bold enough to jump (like me), you can roll down the gap.

From boingy T-Bolt to hard tail
Daniel practically ate the "layer cake" voraciously impressing Akmal as he watched in awe at the 10 year old's agility. He would apply his Plentong experience here. "Plentong don't have technical terrains like this", he commented. Moreover, a change from his fully T-Bolt to my Element hard tail would require some getting used to.

Gentle Iyyah
I was proud of Iyyah who glided gracefully on the drops. She was slow and gentle yet graceful. Ummu was very selective in trying out. Her 2 months of biking void need brushing up. Fear of tumbling still haunted her after the lip cutting, face smacking incident in Teres 2 months back. I chose to be wild! Must preserve my pride. Shouldn't let a 10 year old kiddo outdo you...Right? OK, you can disagree...Pushed the Ogre as much as I could. Woo hoo...But that funny feeling in the rear became more prominent...There was also a new section carved at the last descent of terrace 3. Steeper, faster...Daniel made it looked like a simple child's play, literally. Akmal finally pulled through in second attempt. Iyyah backed off.

Small in size, big in heart. Daniel pushing Ummu's bike uphill
Fall of a giant
From Teres Tiga we moved on to The Playground. In getting there, you have to pass a steep rutted double track climb, then rewarded by a fast downhill followed by ala slalom in between palm trees before trail leveled out. The Playground was called such because it offered multitude of simple drops and slopes. Good for training. Akmal looked like really enthralled by that section. What stimulated him more was the skills and agility shown by Daniel. He tried jumping off the small ledge after seeing Daniel did so. And he scored a tumble. Hurrayyyyy....Iyyah also crashed when she attempted a steeper slope.

Cut in elbow
Enough of the training, time for putting it into practice. Missus suggested we took the Budak Nakal trail to Teres Dua instead of the usual estate laterite road. Motion accepted and we blasted through. Everything was fine up to gliding down the steps. Feeling that it was not enough, we searched for more challenge in the terraces. Greed usually get us into trouble. True indeed because shortly thereafter, a palm frond got the better of me. It flipped my front tyre sideway and I was flung towards an awaiting palm trees coupla feet below. I got a nice cut on my elbow and a splinter embedded in my palm. That splinter poked through my glove. I was shattered momentarily but brushed the pain aside. Journey to Teres Dua continued....on the normal trail.

Savoring Teres Dua
Teres Dua threw in different kind of challenges. The first set of small drops pumped Akmal's adrenaline up. But when confronted by the first slope in set 2, Akmal resorted to finding alternative descent. Other milder slopes on Teres Dua were savored by him. Daniel continued to make Akmal's jaw dropped in awe.

End of Teres Dua marked the end of that day's session. Time to pack it up and go home. From Teres Dua, Daniel took us spinning around till we got back at the bottom of Teres Tiga. The climb back up was treacherous. I decided to find a milder ascent. Recollecting my memory, we diverted but only to be disappointed that it was farther and of similar steep ascent. That invited furious nagging from Daniel. fault.

Akmal and the young master
Finally we got back on track and off to the trailhead at Block 6. The rutted laterite descent proved to be no obstacle for Daniel as he glided down. His bike rattled in protest, but the kid showed no mercy. Iyyah took a slo-mo downhill followed by Ummu. Akmal did the same. By 1.15p.m., we were back at the RV. A treat of home made cendol, laksa Kuala Perlis concluded the ride. A ride that recorded fall and crash for every rider except Ummu. And mine was the bloodiest one...Could have been worse if not for the padding I wore. Hope Akmal enjoyed the ride. Hope he can bring back nice sweet memories of LTM to Plentong.

If you hate static pictures, check out the video

More pics can be seen here

GLC Nite Ride That (Almost) Never Was...

Mid of October was a blessed period. Klang valley was showered with blessing (rahmat) from Allah. Almost every day. Beginning from late noon till midnight. The almost continuous downpour made me defer coupla night ride plans.

Akmal, a close biking buddy from Jay Bee, informed me that he'll be in KL for a few days attending meeting. He rode the GLC nite ride before and was keen to savor it again. So, I got the Element prepped up for him and Thursday, Oct 23 would be the day. That date was also the eve of my 40th birthday. A birthday present for me to ride change of decade in my age...30's going 40's...

Thursday came. I checked the sky almost every hour throughout the day for signs of darkening sky and drops of water. Till evening, the sky was clear. Bright hope for a nite ride happening.

At first, Ummu decided to join the ride, but later withdrew because our children needed help with their art exam. About 8.30 p.m. Akmal pulled over his Avanza in front of my house. I went out to greet him and at the same time glanced at the streetlight. There, could be seen clearly under the bright streetlight, streams of fine droplets of water. Drops was so fine that you couldn't feel it hitting your skin. There was still chance of ride to go ahead.

But later it looked as if it got heavier. I cautioned Akmal that most probably we'd have to call the ride off. I went up to freshen up and slip into my gear. The plan was to get ready in case the rain stop, we could just continue riding. At about 9.00 p.m., Fino texted me. He was already at Sri Gombak and he cycled there from his house in Ampang. I thought he was just pulling my legs. "Iye ke", I texted him back. "Iye le...", was his reply. He asked us to come, at least for some teh tarik if we couldn't ride. Now, who could turn him down?

Akmal all geared up
I conveyed the message to Akmal and confirmed that we would proceed. He beamed with joy. He immediately pulled his magician act and presto, he was in riding gear before I could even say "Selamat Hari Raya". Moments later, we were already astride our steeds and set to move. It was consoling when the visible fine rain was not felt by the skin. Meaning, it was very-vey fine. We headed for RV around 9.20.

Fino's BH rig
Fino was there by himself. The usual kakis were nowhere to be seen. Fino told us of another friend from Wangsa Maju will be joining. So we waited. Overheard a phone exchange between Fino and his friend indicated he was on his way to Giant. A prominent huge gigantic landmark. We waited till 10.20. Later, we learned that Fino's friend headed for the wrong Giant. He was at Taman Permata outlet instead of Batu Caves. He would have to turn back and pedal all the way to Sri Gombak.

Akmal and Fino

Scratching the KLD itch
We decided to change the RV to make things easier for Anis. 10.30, we moved. Away from Sri Gombak headed west onto Karak Highway. We chose to RV at the pedestrian bridge. KLD fever was still in the heat. Time taken for waiting for Anis was put to good use by playing ala KLD on the steps for pedestrian.

Rain continued but still in tiny droplets. Creating mist like ambience. Cooling and soothing. Moderate traffic plying the road which was upgraded to 3 lanes highway and became part of DUKE. At 11.00 we saw flicker of white bluish light from the direction of Karak. Finally Anis arrived. We made quick introduction and allowed him a coupla minutes to catch his breath. Then we moved on. The drizzle continued...

DUKE to Bandar Dalam junction
We proceeded along DUKE then took a right to Sentul at Bandar Dalam junction.From Sentul to Jalan Tanah Lapang taking a big turn around Sentul Boulevard then right into Jalan Enam passing by a condo project then a left at a forking Sentul Link/Jalan Perhentian.

Jalan Ipoh. Akmal recollecting his past. Reminiscing...
From there, we proceeded along Jalan Ipoh northbound. Along the way Akmal was reminiscing his past. Recollecting his childhood days. "Dulu rumah kat sini, BC", he pointed. Thereafter we turned left towards Jalan Duta. In all our nite rides passing that route, we never try going up the elevated highway. The gradient look very un-appeasing. We chose the lower route via the roundabout. As reminder, do be careful when entering and exiting roundabouts. We passed the Duta roundabout then towards Duta bus station.

Recharging before going up Persiaran Duta.

Up up in front of Institut Integriti Malaysia - Persiaran Duta.

We took a breather at Hentian Duta. While resting, I showed them the slope decorating Persiaran Duta. Approximately 300m of ascent with gradually increasing gradient. None of them had passed that route before...Night continued to crawl nearing the change of date when we biked up the hill. Anis in the lead, while Akmal accompanied Fino. Though new, his spirit was strong. He persevered to clear the hill even at a slow pace. I joined Akmal in cheering Fino and cry of jubilation broke out at the top of the hill when he made it.

Atop Jalan Changkat Duta
A relieving fast downhill followed but shortlived because another climb appeared but shorter than the first. The vicinity of this area was populated with big huge mansions. Invoking awe and envy simultaneously as we painstakingly pedaled up. We turned left into Jalan Changkat Duta then stopped upon reaching the junction to Jalan Tunku Putra. The night view seen from atop Jalan Tunku Putra was so spectacular prompting us to pause for a while to enjoy the view. Far below, steep tarmac descent awaited.

Fast and furious tarmac downhill
We wasted no time in bombing down Jalan Tunku Putra. All the agony sustained during the climb was paid off...triple fold!!! The momentum gained from the roll was enough to take us to Jalan Mahameru. Exhilirating!!! I didn't have speedo but I guess top speed was more than 6okmh.

Dark Tasik Perdana jogging track
From Jalan Tunku Putra we took a right on Jalan Mahameru. Light traffic traversing the highway in the wee hour of the morning. From Jalan Mahameru, left into Jalan Sultan Salahuddin then right into Jalan Parlimen. From Jalan Parlimen, we turned right into Jalan Cenderawasih and a quick right into Jalan Cenderamulia in Tasik Perdana. During daytime, Tasik Perdana is a beautiful and refreshing recreational place. At midnight, shrouded by darkness and silence of the night, it could look creepy. We went into the jogging track. Dark passage lit only by our puny lights. Fino nearly kissed the earth when suddenly half of the track was barricaded. He went of the edge of the interlocking block track. That track took us into the depth of Tasik Perdana till we came to a richly lit area complete with gazebos. We ground to a halt for another breather.

In all our excitement, later only we realized that the rain had completely stopped. Nobody realized exactly when. 12.20 am, Oct 24th we made a stop. I stood there for a brief moment of silence. I had just did a 2 decades of my life ride. Going from my thirties into my forties. The fellas knew about it and they remembered wishing me Happy Birthday...On a cool dark night...

Nearby were several sets of steps and stairs which I intended to do my KLD. Damp surface after the rain dampen my spirit. Fear of slippery steps made me scrap that thought. After all, I was not that young any more. Being forty made me a whole lot wiser (and a coward?).

Jalan Ria
Three quarter of the journey completed. Time for a teh tarik before adjourning home. A motion put forward with no objection. We hit Jalan Kebun bunga, a paved tarmac. Suddenly, peaceful quite cool night was disturbed when a rank smell invaded our nostril. My mind instantly related that smell to horror movies where normally shortly after a hideous creature will pounce on us. I started scanning left and right and to my relief, there was a deer park on our right. Phewww...Rank smell left behind when we took a sharp right right ala switchback into the ascending Jalan Ria.

Memorial Tun Abdul Razak
Jalan Ria then converged with Jalan Perdana. We passed by Tun Razak Memorial, Planetarium Negara and then Jalan Perdana boasted a magnificent urban winding fast downhill that went down to Masjid Negara. We let gravity took control, minding the brake not to let gravity get overboard. Picture of a glass of kopi-o filled my head. Soon...We sped pass Dataran Merdeka. Still a huge crowd around. We were sort of racing already when D Tebing got nearer and nearer but only disappointment greeted us when all the stalls were already closed.

Time was already nearing 1.00 a.m. Fino and Aniz decided to go separate way since their house were not in our intended return route. With that we bid farewell. We proceeded to Jln Sultan Sallehuddin then swallowed by the darkness of Jalan Tun Ismail. A climbing dark path with plenty of surprises especially of the K9 kind. After the junction to Jalan Tunku, gradient changed to down and 2 mountainbiker with dubious sanity status glided down all the way passing The Mall then PWTC.

We went against the traffic flow, crossed over to the other side of Jalan Tun Razak then pedaled away towards Jalan Genting Kelang. Akmal was given a brief tour of the DUKE when we entered it at Setapak. The clear 3 lanes highway was all ours. Opppss...I spoke too soon because thereafter we saw many motorcycles parked along the highway. There were couples, groups of teenagers hanging out. Several mat rempits rempiting away. Hmmmmm....

We rode along and then exit at Bandar Dalam. Turned into Taman Pelangi Jaya then all the way up with another contra flow on DUKE before having a wee bit of off road to get back to my house. Time was 1.30 a.m.. Never too late for a cuppa at Restoran Thaqwa...There, a lengthy account of one KL Downtown urban night ride held in honor of a special guest from JB. I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did...

More pics of this ride can be viewed at my Picasa album

Kulimus Alumnus Cyclus - FRIM Ride After Raya

After almost 2 months of no cycling, getting back to off road biking cannot be done hastily. One must get re-acquainted with the wilderness. High technical trail is definitely not the choice for re-acclimatization. Must go for a least technical trail. FRIM seems to fit that bill very well.

Fit for a GQ cover. Nan flaunting his baju raya.
2 ride buddies, sharing the same concern of high ketupat, rendang, lemang and all other delicacies flowing freely and uncontrollably into the tummy, were my schoolmates. Nan, my senior, and Rezlan, my junior. We started off from the tokong outside FRIM around 0830hrs. Me astride my Element, Rezlan on his green T-Bolt and Nan on his Trek4300. Nan was also sporting his brand new raya jersey. He went through all the trouble to find one that matches his frame.

This rover was not this steep the last time I came

Weather was bright. Fine day for riding. Underneath the foliage, trail was shady. As usual, Rover track was chosen as the entree. Rezlan got pretty excited and resolved to clear Rover (up to Dream exit) without stopping. Nan would maintain his usual casual strut. I sped forward in my effort to stimulate Rezlan. He was not deterred though, like most people after raya, were heavily laden with raya delicacies. The raya festivities did have effect on me causing me to make extra effort to heave my body and my bike up Rover. Gasping for breath, I focused my energy and concentration in climbing not aware that Rezlan was dropping further and further. And if not for the passing lorry disrupting his cycling, Rezlan would have fufilled his resolution.

Bombing down Rover
Perhaps we were we not the only concerned people about the food intake during raya. Many more MTBers appearing from all directions, adding to the merriment. We would do a simple routine of Bukit Hari, up Steroid then back. Don't wanna be exerting too much for initial post raya warm-up ride.

Bikers know no race barrier. Fellow friendly MTBers
More MTBers appearing when we were at the foot of Steroid. Like swarming termites. From Bukit Hari trail, from Sg Buloh, up Steroid, down Steroid. Bustling with bikes and bikers. Hands busy shaking and exchanging raya greetings.

We braved ourselves taking Steroid challenge. All of us went up. Ride at FRIM will be incomplete without going up Steroid. I managed to divert to loop where a new nursery is opened. Quite nice. Trees were still saplings. When I got back to Steroid trail, Rezlan was approaching. We rode together for the rest of the climb till he decided to dismount to wait for Nan. (Well, that was what he told me).

Jepp n Bilis of BBB

Fellow MTBers at the foot of Steroid

A customary break at the flat after the junction to helipad. So far, I'd been to helipad only once. Breathtaking view of lush greenery. Soothing the eyes and the mind. The flat marked the end of agony. Swooping downhill awaited as reward for the hard labor of getting there.

We rolled down enjoying every inch of the descent. Then took right up the gravel hill then speedy descent again. But be careful though. The fine gravel towards the first bend was a bit loose and had claimed many casualties. That trail took us to Taman Botanikal Kepong.

Nan sped fast leaving me and Rezlan. But he took the right turn to exit the taman towards Taman Ehsan. We had to yell at him to came back and proceed on. From that trail, took another right up and then down the FRIM nursery trail. Reaching the bar concluded the off road ride. Noon sun shining brightly on sweat drenched bikers. I felt lighter and at peace. Must've dropped plenty of rendang, ketupat and lemang on the trail just now...FRIM ride can never be dull.

More pics here

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

GLC Syawwal Nite Ride - The DUKE of Hazards

After a month of cyclo-break in honor of the holy month of Ramadan, GLC is back in action. Well, at least for me because there were fractions of GLC who actively rode during Ramadan. In the wee hour of the morning? Let's leave that at that...

Roll call was made for the crew to shed off the cholesterol accumulated during raya. Oct 9th, Thursday was the date. Usual rolling time of 9.30 p.m. 4 lamers answered the call including a new recruit from Ampang, Fino. The other 3 were me, Shaque and Dino. So we have a Fino Dino in our group.

Fino made it to the RV after a brief navigational mishap. After a brief introduction and raya greeting and we rolled. Route of choice - the partially completed Duta Ulu Kelang Expressway (DUKE).

From Sri Gombak, at approximately 9.45pm, we proceeded to the stretch of Karak Highway KL bound. Route has turned into a wide 3 lanes highway from its original 2 way trunk road. Night was enveloped by darkness with moderate traffic traversing back and forth. Lights from the inner sanctum of Kuala Lumpur can bee seen from afar. The monumental KLCC twin tower stood proudly, showered by its dunno how many thousands of kilowatt of floodlights...

At the instersection of Jalan Kpg Bandar Dalam, we veered right. Trespassing the barricade laid by the roadbuilder onto the flyover. Casual pedaling interrupted by sudden bumps protruding in the middle of the road. Yelling ensued by frontrunners warning the unwary fellas behind.

We went down the flyover gliding towards Kg Puah. Silhouette of the almost completed toll booth loomed on our right. Kids on motorbikes hanging out there startled by our presence. Shaque suggested we hit for Duta stretch. We took right at the forking hiway. Flowed down passing Taman Dato Senu. The smooth running on tarmac once again hampered after encountering another incomplete section. Not only that it was incomplete, it was also wet and muddy. Our tyres were caught. We continued on only to be disappointed by the totally disconnected hiway. No other choice but to turn back. Resume plan to Titiwangsa.

A quick U-turn and we were back on track. Still on elevated highway over passing the Gombak river. Sounds of water rushing could be heard as we passed the flood mitigation area. The fume of fresh tarmac and bitumen rushed into the nose as we approached Setapak. To go to Taman Tasik Titiwangsa we had to exit right. A brief stop to re-evaluate the situation after we saw the remaining stretch was also paved. Unlike the last time we were there where it was still a big mess of earth. A good chance to explore DUKE. An opportunity not to be missed.

So Taman Tasik Titiwangsa was scrapped. We proceeded down. A rich shower of lights from our right caught our attention. At a glance, it looked like some top secret military installation. Bright flood lights showering the whole complex. High fencing all around with seriuos looking building. It caught Dino's attention and he stopped to take some pictures. A bit later we found out that it's just some sewage treatment plant. Some military complex, huh? Duh....Knowing that, we sprinted as fast as we could from that place.

Darkness still enveloped most of the stretch. Up ahead, another toll booth stood menacingly. Even not operational, toll booth could already emanate the feeling of greed. Waiting to fleece your money every time you pass by. But bicycle is immune to toll booth. My observation of the toll booth disrupted by sudden appearance of coupla canine wandering nearby.

We we disoriented. Not knowing where we were. We just pedaled on. Eyes peeling for any known prominent object that could help us pinpoint our whereabout. But to no avail...Then a change of landscape. From total darkness, we were in a valley like passage. Flats were on both sides and the hiway became dimly lit. From afar we saw an overhead bridge with sound of vehicles going back and forth. We took a quick break underneath the overhead bridge. I took some pics but the outcome was not pleasing, so I decided not to show them off here.

Shortly after, another overhead pass. And finally we managed to identify our location. It was somewhere near Setiawangsa, near the housing for military personnel. Desa Pahlawan, if I'm not mistaken...Knowing that, we knew that we were getting closer to the end of the DUKE. And right we were. Shortly we were above the Keramat roundabout. The highway converged with MRR2. The slip road to MRR2 was still unpaved. We continued on taking left on MRR2 to head back to Sri Gombak.

It's customary for GLC to have a snack stop. Dino suggested the char koey teow of Melawati. Yummy...Unfortunately, it's closed on Thursday. Gotta find another snack stop. Next best place was the shophouses near Tman Melati Petronas station. We chose Restoran Kak Leha. Typical local resturant serving Kelantanese delights. Though past midnight, there were still big crowd flocking the place. I settled for a plate of nasi dagang. Nasi dagang in the middle of the night? Yeap....

After snack, it was the journey back. The climbs on MRR2 towards Sri Gombak didn't appear so appetising. Instead, we took the inner road via Taman Melati > Gombak Setia > Jalan Gombak. Dino bid farewell at Taman Melati. His house was already nearby. The remaining 3, me, Shaque and Fino proceeded. We departed at Greenwood.

Well, overall I quite like the ride. The wide 3 lane partially completd DUKE was fun to ride. Road undulated in certain sections due to overpass added more fun. Distance covered was more than 35KM. The absence of traffic on the highway was really a big plus. Better go and savor it yourself before it i completed and open to public.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Cranky Crank

Aerozine X-12 Crank with Tioga flat pedal fitted.

This is Aerozine X-12 crank. Scores well in the look and weight department. Nothing peculiar about this crank as depicted by the picture, right?. I bought in Feb 2008. For RM260, it should be the best deal of the century. NOT!

Aerozine X-12 Crank with something not quite right.

Now take a closer look at this picture? Anything peculiar? Compare with picture 1. Come's very obvious. Something is VERY wrong in picture 2. Look at the supposedly integrated shaft. Yes...the shaft is disintegrated from the crank. Something that shouldn't have happened.

From day 1 of installation, this crankset spells nothing but trouble and dissatisfaction. First, it was the frequent loosening of the left crank arm. What was thought to be a mistake on my part for not torquing it enough during installation turned out to be incorrect. The blame should go to its design. Aerozine made only a single tightening bolt to secure the left crank arm which appeared to be insufficient. Other Aerozine crank users that I know of reported similar problem.

The second problem is the disintegration of the shaft. It started of with creaking sound under hard cranking. And, just to note, I'm just an XC rider. The crank was not abused. Just a normal XC rides, which was endured fine by my LX HII crank. Initially, I thought the creaking sound cam from the pedal. I took the trouble of re-packing the bearing of the pedal coupla times. The creaking sound wont go away. It got louder instead. Still, I thought that my re-packing was not properly done, knowing how horrible my mechanical skills is. Only on the last inspection of the pedal I realized that the crank has a bit of play. I thought it was the BB. Just so happened that I have a spare BB, I wanted to replace it. Once removed from the BB, the shaft dropped, flop! from the crank. My jaw dropped in unison in total disbelief.

So, if you happen to have one of this installed onto your bike, and you are getting funny creaking sound, better check on the "integrity" of your shaft. Hopefully, your fate is better than mine.

But...all is not lost. The nicely CNCed chain rings and BB can still be used. Kinda ease my crankiness because of the cranky crank.

A closer look at the shaft. I'll keep em as a grim reminder (or maybe use it to pelt the mangy dog who like to snarl and gnarl at me)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Biker Padang Serai

Dah lebih sebulan tak post kat blog nih. Setakat jengah-jengah sapu lantai cuci sawang tak mau bagi berabuk sangat. Terima kasih kepada suma-suma kekawan yang sudi bertandang. Tiada ketupat, lemang atau rendang menjadi sajian. Sekadar celoteh-celoteh dari orang yang belajar-belajar nak jadi tua. Sikit lagi nak cecah 40 nih.

Pembuka tirai pasca Syawal, cerita balik raya kat kampung. Bukan cerita raya. Cerita berjumpa dengan sorang fellow biker. Siapa dia? Jeng...jeng...jeng...Ini dia...Biker dengan kumis paling macho di Padang Serai, Kulim, Penang, London, Paris, New York dan Kuala Ketil...ZIEMAN

Zieman..sekali pandang macam Datuk K.

Dah lama dah tau Zieman ni duk di Padang Serai. Kenai kot internet saja. Dah kebiasaan la kot biker ni bila dah kenai kot internet, nak kenai in-person pulak. Kesempatan balik raya ke Padang Serai dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya. Kena pulak rumah Zieman ni tak jauh daripada rumah ana punya biras.

Elok sampai malam tu, Zieman bawak pi ke restoran Super N8 kat Lunas. Sempoi tempatnya. Ada bot sebijik tersadai kat depan restoran. Suasananya pun chun. Zieman rekomen pekena jus amra campur asam ko blend. Menatang apa tu? Orang Kelumpo sebut kedondong campur asam boi. Memang sempoi. Ada rasa masam-masam campur kelat-kelat sikit...

Sampai jugak hajat nak jumpak Zieman. Cuma sayang balik time posa. Tak dan nak ride. Lain kali try adjust balik time tak posa pulak. Siap bawak gerek lagi. Baru syiokkkkk...Terima kasih Zieman kerana susah payah bawak BC pi pekena ayarg amra...